Self-Defense Seminars…an introduction

As a part of my Honors Capstone at Seton Hill, I’ll be conducting a few self-defense seminars on campus on Fridays from 6:30-8 p.m. in McKenna Center’s Aerobics room for the remainder of the semester (minus the week of Turkey-day). The second half of my capstone involves social media—tweeting and blogging specifically. I’ll be posting various tips and important facts about being aware of your surroundings rather than solely writing about how to conduct proper self-defense.

Finally, I’ll be posting images and other comments from my classes. If all goes well, I hope to also teach the for about a month in the beginning of Spring Semester.

To segway into the topic of self-defense, I thought it would be fitting to post a few old self-defense videos I developed back when I was a freshman as part of a project for Media Lab.

This first video shows some more advanced techniques that may or may not be covered in my self-defense classes. It all depends on the skill level of my prospective students.  Stay tuned for more videos over the next few days!